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What is Asana?

Asana is yoga pose or posture or position of the body. Patanjali in ashtanga yoga defines asanas as Steady and Comfortable pose.

Benefits of Asanas / Yoga Poses

A healthy and peaceful body is the starting
point for advance practices. This is the purpose of Asanas. Read More

Categories of Yoga Poses

The asanas can be classified or catagorized in various ways, depending on the application of the asanas, usefulness to various physical conditions, level of practice. Read More

Practicing Yoga Poses or Yoga Positions

Asanas on the other hand, are different as far as taking the position (slow and controlled movements), maintaining the position (steadiness, comfort & relaxation) and releasing the position are concerned. The asanas (physical positions) can be mastered progressively through following four levels. Read More

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Yoga Poses For Beginners :

01.Datta Mudra (movement of neck)

02.Shavasana (corpse pose)

03.Swastikasana(auspicious pose)

04.Tadagasana (pond pose)

05.Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose)

06.Uttanpadasan (both legs)

07.Uttanpadasan (one legs)

08.Shalabhasan (half)

09.Makarasana (crocodile pose)

10.Parvatasana (mountain pose)

11.Vrikshasana (tree pose)

12.Preparatory Movements 1 - 12

13.Hasta Sanchalan Types 1, 2, 3(movement of arms)

14.Pada Sanchalan Types 1, 2, 3(movement of legs)

15.Janu Sanchalan Types 1, 2, 3(movement of knees)

16.Skandha Sanchalan Types 1, 2(movement of shoulders)

17.Kantha Sanchalan (movement of neck)

18.Sukha Pranayam (deep breathing)

19.Janu Hastasana (hand to knee pose)

20.Hasta Shirasana (hand to chin pose)

21.Sahajahasta Bhujangasana Ek Pad(cobra with sole of foot touching thigh)

22.Sahajahasta Bhujangasana Ek Pad(cobra with knee outside chest)

23.Sahajahasta Bhujangasana(easy hand cobra pose)

24.Adhvasana (downward facing pose)

25.Sulabha Pawanmuktasana Ek Pad (easy gas release pose 1 leg)

26.Brahma Mudra (movement of neck)

27.Tadagi Pranayam (easy abdominal breathing)

28.Sulabha Pawanmuktasana Dwi Pad (easy gas release pose 2 leg)

29.Ardhachakrasana 1, Ardhachakrasana 2 (half wheel)

30.Anantasana 1, Anantasana 2 (lord vishnu pose)

Yoga Poses For Intermediate :

01.Surya Namaskara (aundhakar system)
02.Vipritakarani (inverted pose)
03.Sarwangasana (shoulder stand)
04.Ashwini Mudra (horse gesture in shoulder stand)
05.Matsyasana (fish pose)
06.Halasana (plough pose)
07.Naukasana (boat pose)
08.Pawanmuktasan (bent neck)
09.Bhujangasan (with straight hands)
10.Bhujangasana (with bent hands)
11.Shalabhasana (locust pose)
12.Dhanurasana (bow pose)
13.Noukasana (boat pose)
15.Padmasana (lotus pose)
16.Aakarna Dhanurasana (type 1) (bow pose in sitting)
17.Aakarna Dhanurasana (type 2) (bow pose in sitting)
18.Padmasan Yoga Mudra Type 1
19.Padmasan Yoga Mudra Type 2
20.Vakrasana Type 1 (twisted pose)
21.Vakrasana Type 2 (twisted pose)
22.Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist)
23.Sharanagata Mudra (forward bending)
24.Vajrasan Yoga Mudra Type 1
25.Vajrasan Yoga Mudra Type 2
26.Paschimottanasana (half forward bend)
27.Supta Vajrasana
28.Veerasana (warrior pose)
29.Trikonasana (triangle pose)
30.Niralamb Bhujangasan (unsupported cobra pose)
31.Niralamb Shalabhasan (unsupported locust pose)
32.Halasana - Vistrutapad (plough pose)
33.Karnapeedanasan (folded plough pose)
34.Chakrasana (wheel pose)

35.Simhasana (lion pose)
36.Kukkutasana (cockerel pose)
37.Garbhasana (foetus pose)
38.Padangushtasana (single toe balance pose)
39.Merudandasana (crow pose)
40.Utkatasana (toe balance pose)
41.Tolangulasana (scale pose)
42.Ekapadahastasana (hand to single leg pose)
43.Ugrasana (ferocious pose)
44.Ardhapadmabandhasana (half lotus bound pose)
45.Hansasana (swan pose)
46.Ekapadashirasana (one leg to head pose)
47.Shirshasana (headstand pose)
48.Parivarta Trikonasana (inverted triangle pose)
49.Ekpada Hastasana (hand to leg pose)
50.Sankatasana (difficult pose)
51.Garudasana (eagle pose)
52.Mridang Bandha (drum pose)
53.Anantasana Type 3
54.Patangasana (kite pose)
55.Veera Bhadrasana Type 2
56.Ushtrasana (camel pose)
57.Paschimottanasana (full forward bend)
58.Vajra Matsyasana
59.Ardha Naukasana (half-boat Pose)
60.Tiryak Naukasana(diagonal boat pose)
61.Ardha Dhanurasana (half bow pose)
62.Tiryak Dhanurasana (diagonal bow pose)
63.Urdhwa Mukha Shwanasan (upward dog pose)
65.Adho Mukha Shwanasana (down dog pose)
67.Baddha Gomukhasana

Yoga Poses For Advance Practitioners :

01.Vistrut Pad Sarvangasana

02.Tiryak Sarvangasana

03.Eka Pad Bbhumisparsha Sarvagasana

04.Padma Sarvangasana

05.Halasana (toes stretched)

06.Utthan Pad Kati Chakrasan(rotating legs like a wheel)

07.Vajra Ardha Paschimottanasan

08.Vajra Ardha Naukasan

09.Vajra Ardha Matsyendrasan

10.Vajra Ardha Bhujangasan

11.Vajra Ardha Veerasan

12.Vajra Ardha Dwikonasan

13.Vajra Ardha Padmasan

14.Vajra Ardha Matsyasan


16.Mayurasan (peacock pose)

17.Padma Mayurasan (peacock pose)

18.Dwi Pad shirasan



21.Bakasan (heron pose)

22.Vistrut Pad Shirshasan

23.Tiryak Shirshasan


25.Ardha Naukasan (half-boat Pose)

26.Tiryak Naukasan (diagonal boat pose)

27.Ardha Dhanurasan (half bow pose)

28.Tiryak Dhanurasan (diagonal bow pose)

29.Urdhwa mukha shwanasan (upward dog pose)

30.Adho Mukha Shwanasan (down dog pose)


32.Baddha Gomukhasan

33.Supta Vajrasan

34.Vajra Matsyasan

35.Ushtrasan (camel pose)

36.Veera Bhadrasan type 2

37.Bhunamanasan (earth worship pose)

38.Patangasan (kite pose)

39.Eka Pad Bhumisparsha Shirshasan

40.Padma Shirshasana

41.Purna Matsyendrasan (full spinal twist)

42.Chakrasan From Standing (wheel pose)

43.Vashishtasan (inclined anantasana)

44.Kashyapasan (inclined ardha padma bandhasana)

45.Ardha Padma Bandhasan (standing)

46.Vatayanasan (horse face pose)

Yoga Poses For Health Problems


02.Anxiety & Depression



05.Back Pain

06.High Blood Pressure

07.Thyroid Problems

08.Menstrual Problems



11.Digestive Problems


13.Heart Problems




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