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                                                                   Yoga in Vietnam 

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About Hanoi ( Vietnam ) :


Anyone who has ever visited Hanoi will probably tell you that it may be the most beautiful city in all of Asia. People have settled here along the Red River for a thousand years. Nestled along wooded boulevards among the city’s two dozen lakes you will find architectural souvenirs left by all who conquered this great valley, from the Chinese who first came in the last millennium to the French, booted out in our own century.


Getting into Hanoi :

The trip into the city from Noi Bai Airport takes about an hour and offers some poignant glimpses of modern Vietnamese life: farmers tending their fields, great rivers, modern highways that abruptly become bumpy roads. The drive is especially breathtaking at dusk when the roads fill with bicycles, and everything takes on the same deep colors as the modern paintings you see in Hanoi's galleries. Somehow the setting sun seems enormous here as it dips into the cornfields on the horizon.


On the edge of the city the road dissolves into a maze of winding, narrow, wooded lanes. You are surrounded by roadside artisans, shops and taverns, then by graceful villas and commuters on bicycles, cyclos and motorbikes. Modern buildings appear from nowhere, looking so out of place that you have to wonder if they were dropped from the sky and just left where they came to rest. While you tell yourself that nothing as preposterous as Hanoi can be so beautiful, you cannot help but be dazzled.

Hoan Kiem Lake


Although not at its geographical center, after the expansion of Hanoi into a major metropolitan area in 2009, little Hoan Kiem Lake remains the very heart of life in Hanoi. According to a 15th Century legend, a giant turtle presented Emperor Le Loi with a magic sword with which to defeat Chinese invadors. In accordance with their pact, the Emperor returned the sword to the turtle after a glorious victory in battle. Thus, the lake was named Hoan Kiem, or "restored sword."

The lake itself is like a living thing with a personality that changes continuously with the hour and the season. Some of your most vivid memories of Hanoi might come from the 45 minute walks you take around Hoan Kiem at sunrise, at midday, and again after dark.

Shortly after dawn, hundreds of people take their daily exercise on the footpath that circles the lake. If you arrive around six you will see a dozen badminton games, scores of old people practicing Tai Chi, and many shirtless young men jogging or stretching.


During the day the lake belongs to tourists and to workers from surrounding government offices. Tour busses and taxis park at the North end of the lake, near the gates and foot bridge which lead to the Ngoc Son Pagoda. Scores of young people sell post cards, maps, and paperback books here. Others shine shoes or offer to memorialize your visit with photos taken with must surely be war-era 35mm cameras. Although persistent, they are seldom rude. Many speak wonderful English and are well worth having a conversation with.


Ngoc Son Temple :


Ngoc Son Pagoda sits on an islet at the North end of the lake. The oldest structures in the complex dated back to 1225, though most of what you see was either built or reconstructed in the 19th century. In addition to the two beautifully ornate Confucianist sanctuaries dedicated to various long-dead humans, a huge stuffed turtle (which most certainly never swam in this lake) resides in a glass display case. The spot is lovely, not only for the ostentatious architecture, but for interesting people who take refuge from the city here. Your camera may capture old men playing checkers in the Pavilion of the Stelae, someone fishing quietly among the willows which practically obscure the island from view, a couple posing for their wedding photo with the Tortoise Pagoda in the background, or the young photographers who always gather on the red wooden bridge.

Practically across the street from the bridge is the water puppetry theater. Scenes from Vietnamese lore and history (including ancient battles) are elaborately performed by colorful lacquered puppets in an indoor pond, accompanied by traditional Vietnamese folk music. It sounds awfully corny, but missing this Hanoi attraction is like going to Paris and skipping the Eiffel Tower. Tickets for the evening performances are cheap and sell out early in the day. Avoid seats closest to the water or you may get splashed.


The Old Quarter :


Some of the 36 streets that make up the Ancient Quarter still offer only a single commodity. One of the best is Hang Quat, where shops sell an incredible array of lacquered wood candle sticks, bowls, picture frames, religious shrines, and decorative pieces. Practically every single item is painted in some combination of red, white and gold. Many of the things are elaborate to the point of being garish. Since prices are staggeringly low, buy what you can. Like folk art in other developing nations, these uniquely Northern Vietnamese handicrafts will begin to die out along with the present generation of artisans creating them. The shelves of shops in Ho Chi Minh city are already filled with factory made schlock. Sadly, this will happen in Hanoi soon enough.

Vietnamese silk is among the world’s finest. Hang Gai (thread street) has for centuries been home to some of Hanoi’s best silk shops.


Hanoi Culture :


Hanoians are proud people; they take pride in their cuisines, their etiquettes, their rich tradition and about their own love for the city not only to international tourists but also to people from other provinces in Vietnam. Hanoi food is listed among things you should try before leaving to another world. (read ourtop 5 must-try foods in Hanoi).


Adding to that, Hanoi is packed with museums, monuments, cafes, restaurants, discos, handicraft stores and almost anything that make your stay both convenient and entertaining. Most travellers spend about 2-5 days to tour the city but should you fall in love with Hanoi, you can always stay longer!

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   1. 200 hrs YOGA Teacher Training Course.

   2.  300 hrs YOGA Teacher Training Course.

   3.  500 hrs YOGA Teacher Training Course .

   4.  Special Course for Beginners.

Syllabus of Study:

* Asana Practice and Asana philosophy

* Pranayam (breathing techniques),

* Mudra and Bandha (Yogic locked)

* Meditation

* Cleansing process (Kriya)

* Teaching practice

* Basic Ayurveda, nutrition and the yogic diet.

* Anatomy (physical, mental and spiritual benefits of yoga.)

* physiology of yogic practice

* Teaching Methodology of different styles of yoga- Patanjali    Ashtanga, Traditional & Classical Hatha, Vinyasa,    Shivananda,  Power yoga etc.

* Hatha yog pradipica

* Mantra recitation

* Introduction of Seven chakras and five elements.

* Yoga life style.

* Teaching practicum

   * Ethics for Yoga Teachers


200 HOURS YOGA SYLLABUS:  ( Vietnam )

1:Warm Up Exercises

2:Joints Movement Exercises

* Standing postures :

• Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

• Chair Pose (Utkatasana) 

• Side bend Pose (Parswa konasana)

• Triangle Pose(Trikonasana) 

• Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

• Palm tree Pose (Tadasana) 

• Half moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

• Shiva dancing Pose (Natarajasana) 

• Reverse triangle Pose (privrita trikonasana)

• Half moon Pose (Ardha chandrasana) 

• Extended Side angle Pose (Utthita parswakonasana)

* Kneeling Postures:

• Thunderbold Pose (Vajrasana) 

• Camel Pose (Ushtrasana) 

• Sleeping thunderbold Pose (sleeping Vajrasana)

• Lion Pose (Simhasana)


* Sitting Postures :

• Boat Pose (Naukasana)

• Inverted boat Pose (Viparita Naukasana)

• Frog Pose (Mandukasana)

• Raising Frog Pose (uttana mandukasana)

• Sleeping Frog Pose (sputa mandukasana)

• Bound cow head Pose (Baddha gomukhasana)

• Cat stretch (Marjari Asana)

• Cow head Pose (Gomukhasana)

• Kurmasana

• Baddha padmasana

• Padma Bakasana

• Akarna dhanurasana

• Parvatasana

• Virasana

• Garbhasana

* Backward Bending Postures:

• Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

• Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

• Makarasana (3 Variations)

• Kapotasana

* Forward Bending Postures:

• Hand to Feet Pose (Paschimottanasana)

• Half Gas Releasing Pose (Ardha- Pavan Muktasana)

• Full Gas Releasing Pose(Purna Pavan Muktasana)

• Nose to Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana)

• Yoga Mudra Pose (Yoga Mudrasana)

* Twisting Postures:

• Half fish God Twisting Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

• Full Fish God Twisting Pose (Purna matsyendrasana)

* Fire Awakening Postures:

• Raising Feet Pose 

• Locust Pose (Salabhasana)

• Peacock Pose (Mayurasana)

• Kakasana (Kukutasana)

* Inversion Postures:

• Head Stand Pose (Shirshasana)

• Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)

• Bridge Pose (SetuBandha asana)

• Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

• Shoulder Stand 

• Ear Pain Releasing Pose (Karnapidasana)

* Relaxation Postures:

A- Meditation Postures 

• Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

• Accomplish Pose (Siddhasana)

• Half Lotus Pose Aardha Padmasana)

• Lotus Pose (Padmasana)

• Thunderbold Pose (Vajrasana )

• Chair Pose (Maitri Asana)

* Pranayama Practices:

• Kapala-bhati

• Bhastrika

• Anuloma-Viloma

• Bhramari

• Ujjayi

• Siltli

• Sitkari

• Surya-bheda

• Chandra-bheda

• Koshthya

• Pranava Pranayama

• Calvicular Breathing

• Thorasic Breathing

• Diaphragmatic Breathing

• Yogic Breathing

• Quality Breathing

• Murcha and Plavini Pranayama

* Yoga Gestures (Yoga Mudras) :

Hand Yoga Gestures (Hasta Mudra)

• Jnana Mudra

• Chin Mudra

• Yoni Mudra

• Bhairava Mudra

• Hridaya Mudra

Head Yoga Gestures (Mana Mudra)

• Shambhavi Mudra

• Nasikagra Drishti

• Khechari Mudra

• Kaki Mudra

• Bhujangini Mudra

• Bhoochari Mudra

• Akashi Mudra

• Shanmukhi Mudra

• Unmani Mudra

Postural Mudras (Kaya)

• Viparita karani Mudra

• Pashinee Mudra

• Prana Mudra

• Manduki Mudra

• Tadagi Mudra

Lock Mudras (Bandha Mudra) 

• Maha Mudra

• Maha Vedha Mudra

• Maha Vedha Mudra

Perineal Mudras (Adhara)

• Ashwini Mudra

• Vajroli Mudra

• Sahajoli Mudra

* Energy Lock (Bandha):

1. Mula Bandha

2. Uddiyana Bandha

3. Jalandhar Bandha

4. Maha Bandha

* Meditation (Dhyana):

1. 2 minutes Meditation

2. Breath Meditation

3. Mantra Meditation

4. Vipasana Meditation

5. Healing Meditation

6. Third Eye Meditation

7. Preparation for Meditation

8. Susumna Meditation

9. Spinal Breathing Meditation

10. Kriya Yoga Meditation

11. Silence Meditation

12. Chakra Meditation

13. Kundalini Meditation

* Yogic Sleep (Yoga Nidra):

1. Simple Relaxation (Sithilikarana)

2. Full Body Relaxation (Purna Sithilikarana)

3. 31 Point Blue Star Yoga Nidra (Prarambhik Nila Tara Yoga Nidra)

4. 61 Point Blue Star Yoga nidra (Purna Niltara Yoga nidra)

5. Sweeping breath practice (Prana Suddhi kriya)

6. Disolving Yoga Nidra (Laya Yoga Nidra )

7. Chakra Yoga Nidra

8. Subtle Body Awakening Practice (Sukshma Sharira Jagarana)

* Yogic Cleansing Exercises (Satkarma):

1. Jala-Neti

2. Sutraneti

3. Dhauti (Vamana)

4. Nauli

5. Kapalbhati

6. Trataka

* Recitation of Sacred Sound (Mantra Japa):

1. Mantra for the Morning and night prayers

2. Mantra what and why

3. Mantra for Meditation

4. Mantra before you start the Yoga lesson

5. Mantra for healing like for different diseases and problem of the life, for normal baby delivery, good family life, to remove fear and feeling for security, healthy relationship, and finally for enlightenment.

6. Japa (Mantra repetition with rosary, mala)

7. Kirtana (Group chanting)

* Anatomy and Physiology (Sharir Vijyan):

• Dynamics of Breathing

• Yoga and the Spine

• Skeletal System

• Muscular System and Yoga Stretching

• Inside the Asana

• Standing Poses

• Sitting Poses

• Kneeling Poses

• Supine Poses

• Prone Poses

• Arm Support Poses

• Cardio Vascular System

• Skin

• Nervous System

• Reproductive System

* Yoga Philosophy:

1. Yoga Sutra of Patanjali

2. Different Paths of Yoga ( jyana, karma, bhakti, laya,)

3. Different Styles of Yoga (Ashtanga Vinyasa, Hatha, Rishi)

4. Yoga and Health

5. Comparative study of Yoga with other Indian Philosophies

6. 5 Elements

7. 4 Aspects of mind

8. 7 States of Consciousness

9. 3 Bodies- gross, Subtle, Causal

10. Prana and Kundalini

11. Nadis and Chakra

12. Raja Yoga and the 8 limbs

13. Yoga discipline

14. Control of the mind and 9 disturbances of mind

15. Philosophy and Practice of Yoga Nidra

16. Yoga in Daily life

17. Emotional Purification

18. Science of Silence

19. Hatha Yoga Pradipika

20. Shiva Samhita

21. Art of Joyful living

22. Science of Breath

23. Bhagavat Geeta

24. Vedas

25. Upanishads

26. Indian Philosophy

* Teaching Practice:

1. Qualities of a Good Teacher

2. Demonstrations

3. Alignment

4. Clear and proper instructions

* Teaching Methodology:

1. Step by Step Practice

2. Guidelines for beginners and advance students

3. Preparing a lesson plan

* Yoga Psychology :

1. Understanding mind and its functions

2. How to control and channelize the mind

3. How to read student’s mind

* Yoga Therapy :

1. Yoga and Therapy

2. Yoga and Diseases

* Ayurveda :

1. Basics of Ayurveda

2. Ayurveda Diet

3. Ayurveda Massage Training

Daily Schedle :


TTC Program  7 - 8 hours a day.  (6 days per week)


 05:00 am                           WAKEUP TIME

05.45 am  to  06.00 am     Mantra Chanting / meditation

06:00 am  to  08:00 am     Yoga Practice 

08:00 am  to  09:00 am      Karma Yoga (Selfless Service)

 09:00 am  to  09:30 am     Breakfast / Snacks

 10:00 am  to  10:45 am    Yoga Nidra / Theory lecture I

 11:15 am  to  12:00 pm     Theory lecture II

 12:15 am  to  01:00 pm      LUNCH

 01:00 pm  to  03:00 pm      Resting Time (Self Study)

 03:00 pm  to  03:15 pm       Herbal Drink

 03:15 pm  to  04:00 pm       Theory Lecture III

 04:15 pm  to  06:00 pm      Yoga Practice 

 06:45 pm  to  07:15 pm       Mantra chanting / meditation

 07.30 pm  to  08:00 pm        DINNER

 08:15 pm  to  09:00 pm        Sanskrit Training 

                                             Songs (Bhajans) / Group                                                      Discussions .

 10.00 pm                             Bed Time  




Duration & Structure of Fee :


  1 : Yoga Beginners Courses                        1,000  USD

  2 : Two Week (100 hrs)                               1,100  USD

  3 : Four week (200 hrs)                               1,800  USD

  4 : Six week    (300 hrs)                               2,500  USD

  5 : Eight week (500 hrs)                              3,500  USD                             





1. Books and note books,

2.Any other local travel or sightseeing,

3.Other Items Of Personal Nature.

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  200 hrs Yoga Course Calender for Vietnam 

                 Coming Soon
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How to Apply (Sign Up) :

• Please go to the Contact  page and Send to a Request with Training Dates.

• The Shiva Yoga Valley team will respond within the next 2-3 working days.


• Upon acceptance of your application, we will make a provisional reservation for you and send you    confirmation mail.


• On confirmation mail you requested to send non refundable 30% deposit within 5 working days to confirm  your    reservation.

Payment options-

• Deposit instructions and details will send to you on your acceptation.


• Payment methods (Bank transfer Only).

Please Submit Your Registration fee 500 USD in our Institution bank account. (Not refundable) 

(The rest of the fee will be payable on orientation day). 



Refund Policy-

Fee Once paid will not be refunded but in case of any change in program, you can choose to go for any next yoga course within the span of a two years. We understand very well that emergencies and other life situations do arise.

                                                                                                                       Registration Now Open

                                         Our Professional  Yoga Teachers in Vietnam

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Yog Acharya Sandeep


Brand Ambassador of the organization Yoga Alliance International & Founder Director of Shiva Yoga valley  - in charge of world wild nationality : Master Degree in Human Consciousness& Yogic Science ,&Ph.d scholar in Yogic Science & have also studied  Veda,Upnishads, BhagvatGeeta, Yogasutra, English & Sanskrit languages.   Grand Master in the field by Yoga Alliance International recognition - Teacher Yoga - 500 hours by Yoga Alliance International Level .


Yog Acharya Sandeep was born in the North state of India, called Uttar Pradesh. .Yog Acharya Sandeep began his Yoga Journey from childhood from Gurukul . After completing study and practice of Yoga in Gurukul India , he went to Rishikesh began teaching yoga . in 5 years he taught many places in India and others countries   . He is the founder director of Shiva Yoga Valley in 2011.. His goal to expand in whole world and Yoga gives Yoga lovers in whole world an address reliable . Master Degree in Human Consciousness& Yogic Science has been completed from GurukulKangri University only one very ancient Yoga University of India &Ph.d scholar in Yogic Science  , and Grand Master Yoga Teacher Training course 500 hours of Yoga Alliance International organizations under the guidance of Swami VidyanandJi master. he is appointed as Brand Ambassador of the Yoga Alliance International organization.


Yog Acharya Sandeep brings his broad experience of Yoga and holistic health to his teaching style; his classes are a dynamic, flowing moving, focusing on attention to form, integration of breath and cultivation of awareness. Creating a supportive environment and taking to heart each student's experience.


He teaches:

  • Hatha yoga , 
  • Ashtanga yoga,
  • Kundalini yoga,
  • Mantra yoga,
  • Pranic Healing Basic Advance and Psychotherapy level ,
  • MarmChikitsha
  • Pranayam,
  • Mudra,
  • Bandh,
  • Satkarm

Now he has his yoga centers in Dharamshala, Rishikesh and Vietnam , Mexico ; where he offers expert Yoga teacher. Training courses and also travels in India and other countries extensively to spread the knowledge of Yoga and help people. His aim is spread yoga and spirituality, health and harmony,love,peace and stress free living all over the world .


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Master Rudra Yogi :

Specialist of  Yoga Asana,Pranayam,Mudra,Bandh,Meditation Relaxations Yoga therapy,Marm therapy, Naturopathy. (Satkarm)

Ruddra studied at Gurukul Kangri in Haridwar and graduated with a degree in Traditional Yoga Art.  Ruddra Yogi  also studied Veda,Upnishads, Bhagvat Geeta, Yogasutra, English & Sanskrit languages. His He now continues his inquiry and is studying for a Masters Degree in Yoga Art.

 Yogi  Ruddra  brings his broad experience of Yoga and holistic health to his teaching style; his classes are a dynamic, flowing moving, focusing on attention to form, integration of breath and cultivation of awareness. Creating a supportive environment and taking to heart each student's experience. He teaches Hatha yoga,  Ashtanga yoga, Kundalini yoga, Mantra yoga, etc.


Our Location

Vietnam Yoga Center Address: Hanoi (Vietnam )


Phone1# : +84-1645-462-344

Phone2# : +84-934-548-627





If you have any questions related to Registration, Payment, Visa or any other inquiry about our Yoga teacher training course, please contact us at:


Shiva Yoga Valley 

E-mail :



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